
China Company Sells Out Hard

bitcoinflood - 2024-12-07 15:32:21

In a turn of events a major China company just liquidated their Bitcoin and Ethereum in a move to most likely raise some capital in order to suppress the recent recessions happening there. The government itself has been trying to do everything it can hold off this crushing blow that's been happening to the real estate markets and the overall economy in general over there. I guess that happens when you think you're better than everyone else and start poking sticks at the people that turned your country wealth wise into what it is today.

That being said this company bought roughly 100 million dollars of the asset and has sold it for 180 million. That might sound like a lot but its actully a very small part of the entire bitcoin and Ethereum market cap and most likely wouldn't have put all that much pressure on the sell that we saw over the last few days. The companies name is Meitu and what's crazy is it's legit just a selfi app lol