
Bitcoin Price Broke Down the Curve Pattern

chorock - 2025-01-28 19:05:18

There was curve pattern on Bitcoin price chart. I shared an analysis about this curve. It was important to being on this curve or down. Bitcoin price broke down this pattern with the news of Deepseek. You can see what happened after breaking down this pattern.

Even Bitcoin price touched 97K after deepseek news, It recovered loses and went up to 103K. It may be restest of curve pattern. Bitcoin price may continue to go down. There are a few reason on Bitcoin price chart that shows us downtrend.

Here you can see the indicators on daily Bitcoin price chart. MACD Indicator is close to reverse down. Fisher Indicator is on the top and reversed. It may take a few days to complete this downtrend. It is hard to go above this curve pattern. So, Bitcoin price will be pressure under this pattern.

We may see new downtrend attack on Bitcoin price chart. There are lots of major news dropped everyday. These effect Bitcoin and all stock market price charts and trends.

We will see..