Hive Price Touched one of Major Resistance
Today Hive price has great performance. It went up even market has volatility. Hive price went up slowly without any correction. Today Hive price touched the middle line of consolidation zone.
Here you can see daily chart of Hive. This was my draft. I drew it a year ago. It works as well.. Hive price stucked into this consolidation zone. It went down to depression zone. I said lots of time about picking up discounted Hive from depression zone. I picked up Hive from this zone. Hive price broke up depression zone and entered again into consolidation zone.
Today Hive price touched the middle line of consolidation zone. It is one of major resistance for future..
0,33 USD was the first major price target for Hive. It is completed. We are only at the beginning of mega altcoin season. 0,40 USD is the next price target for Hive price chart. After 0,40 USD, We will see parablolic price moves on Hive price chart.
We may see small price correction on Hive price chart at this major resistance. We should complete correction to see great price pumps.
I shared lots of analysis about Hive price chart. Hive will be one of star of mega altcoin season.
We will see..