The Crypto Heatmap
Price fluctuation is not something that we are seeing in the crypto market for the first time instead it is common and we often see such situations in this market. We have seen how the Bitcoin price increased significantly in just a couple of days and how it has again dropped below seventy thousand U.S. dollars. All this that is happening here is part of the market and we need to be familiar with such kind of price movement.
It is obvious that things might not be great all the time and it is applicable across the markets and no matter what market you're talking about. Even if things are not really good at some point in time then also we need to have patience and wait for the right time. Here is the crypto heat map and you can see that things are improving.
A couple of days back the entire market was red but today the situation is slightly different where the leading coins are available with some increase and visible in green colour. Green is the colour that everyone loves to see in the market and today we can see the same colour with the majority of coin prices in the market.
How things are going to happen in the market is completely unpredictable and this runs based on supply and demand. When there are more sellers and fewer buyers prices get affected and vice versa. No, because the recovery is visible in the market so I hope that we will see Bitcoin crossing the $70,000 price again. The last two months are left for this year and if things go well then we will get to see a lot coming here and probably a better price movement in the market for Bitcoin and other coins as well.
Overall this crypto heat map is looking good I'm glad to see that things are getting better and hopefully, it will be even better in the next few days or maybe a few weeks I am not sure however it is anticipated looking at the current market situation.
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