
Ukraine could make cryptocurrency legal in 2025

okalok - 2024-12-13 10:11:42

Making Crypto legal in any country is big news and these days news about Ukraine that the country is going to make crypto legal in 2025 is circulating around. We know that as of now we have only one country which is El Salvador and the country made Bitcoin legal tender a couple of years back. No, probably Ukraine is going to be the second country making crypto legal in the country however they have not mentioned as of now whether it is going to be legal tender because the definition between legal tender and legal is different.


If they make crypto legal in the country then it will make things easy for people to be part of the crypto ecosystem and anybody will be able to buy or sell crypto easily however they have also mentioned that tax exemption will not be part of this. It is understood because no country would like to take such steps when they are not earning any revenue and if Ukraine legalise crypto. If they follow certain tax rules then its also fair because that is how the government will run and gain from this industry.

Cryptocurrency is expected to be legalised in Ukraine by the first quarter of 2025, but tax exemptions are unlikely.

It is obvious that if more countries will make crypto legal in their country then it will increase the demand for Bitcoin and Crypto and with enhancement on the demand we can expect more value appreciation over the period of time. Likewise, this is expected that Ukraine is going to legalise crypto in early 2025 which can be the first quarter hopefully or maybe the second quarter if things do not fall as expected then expected that the bull run will get even bigger because a lot of people will be coming to Crypto after these big move followed by Ukraine.

For those who do not know I would like to mention here that Ukraine is one of the countries that have been in the war zone for a long time and they have not given up however,r they are struggling so hopefully this move that they are planning to legalise crypto in the country will help them deal with many challenges and overcome a lot of problems that are created because of the war situation. Let's see how things unfold next year and what value addition is going to happen in the crypto market if it happens.

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