Spending Power...
Here are just a few thoughts I typed over the past weeks and months...
My last Post is getting way too many replies, so here's a new one to comment...
Some people will be holding U.S. Gold Coins, and others will be holding U.S. Crypto Coinage...
There will be those people who prefer to hold the Gold Coins, but when it comes to "Spending" most people would prefer to be using U.S. Crypto Coinage or "USCC"...
USCC will be 100% backed by U.S. Gold Coins that Range from $10 to $100...
$100 in USCC or Gold Coins will have the "Spending Power" of 10,000 of today's Fiat USD's...
Since the Fiat USD's have lost 99% of their Spending Power, I decided there should be a 100 to 1 Exchange Rate into "Sound Money"...
Turn in 100 Physical Fiat USD's and get back $1 in either Paper Coinage or Common U.S. Coinage...
I figure most people will prefer our "New Paper Coinage"...
Our Paper Coinage will Range from "One Cent" to "One Hundred Cents"...
They may look similar to the "Old Fiat(Rental) USD's" which we're currently paying "Rental Fees" for their use...
Yes, we've even been paying "Rental Fees" for the Fiat USD's used outside of the United States...
I'm aware, the Banks like calling the Rental Fees, "interest" to keep us confused...
I figure, there will be a "Redemption Period" for the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate...
Our Paper and Common U.S. Coinage will be 100% backed by our U.S. Silver, Platinum and Palladium Coins...
Collector Versions of our Silver, Platinum and Palladium Coins will carry a Collectors Premium...
Our U.S. Silver Coins can be obtained, using "our" Paper or Common U.S. Coinage...
Our U.S. Silver Coins will have $1, $2, $5 and $10 Face Values...
Our 1/10 ounce U.S. $1 Silver Coins will only be issued as "Collector Coinage" and will have "Collector Premiums" attached...
Save up $2 in Paper or Common U.S. Coinage and the Banks will give you a 1/5 ounce U.S. $2 Silver Coin...
Save up $5 in Paper or Common U.S. Coinage and the Banks ill give you a 1/2 ounce U.S. $5 Silver Coin...
Save up $10 in Paper or Common U.S. Coinage and the Banks will give you a 1 ounce U.S. $10 Silver Coin...
Save up $10 in USCC, along with an attached Premium, and I'm sure your Local Coin Shop will sell you a 1/10 ounce U.S. $10 Gold "Collector" Coin...
Save up $20 in USCC and your Bank will give you a 1/5 ounce U.S. $20 Gold Coin...
Save up $50 in USCC and your Bank will give you a 1/2 ounce U.S. $50 Gold Coin...
Save up $100 in USCC and your Bank will give you a 1 ounce U.S. $100 Gold Coin...
From the President...
I'll probably pay them 25 Cents per hour, plus TIPS...
Keep in mind that Tips are Tax Free...
I decided to delegate to the Community...
I still have plenty of Hive left over for up-voting along with, being able to buy and sell my Hive and Hive Dollars...
Me buying and selling Hive and Hive Dollars, has become a sort of Game to me...
I've been doing it in a small way for probably a year now...
It can become very confusing if you don't keep a Hard Copy of your Trading...
Hive is constantly going up and down, just like most Cryptocurrencies...
I'll be able to pass out my usual 100% up-votes, they just won't be quite as big...
Other than that...
It's much easier to see the Present, than it is to see the Future...
So, what I've been able to do is to look into the "Very Near Future" which is still the Present...
The Present is forever allowing the Future to pass through, on its way to the Past...
I could get Religious here, but I better not, since I always get myself in trouble when I do...
I actually use the Present as a "means" to Travel through Time...
It's kind of like Traveling in the Car, where you remain seated, but you're moving forward, as you're viewing the Very Near Future on approach...
I don't really know where you'd like be to go with my postings...
Normally, I do like trying to answer all the questions, people never ask...
I've been forced to ask myself, which I've been doing for years now...
It's why I keep writing about my "Fine Tuned" version of what's to come...
I figure a Monetary Correction is in order...
I'm now able to see things that others tend to over look...
I've been seeing "clues" coming out of the U.S. Mints "Product Schedules"...
Would you believe we have "Collector" Half Dollars selling for 56 Fiat USD's plus Postage, which brings the price over 60 Fiat USD's for a "Clad" Half Dollar, containing "No Silver"...???
That's a pretty high price to pay for a Clad Half Dollar, even if it was in Proof Condition...
I think this is the 3rd one in a row, selling at this high Fiat prices...
I've been writing that a Half Dollar will have the "Spending Power" of 50 of today's Fiat USD's and no one seemed to believe me...
To me, it was a "Huge Clue" as to what's heading our way...
Then, I was writing about 1/5 ounce $2 Silver Coins and guess what...???
The U.S. Mint came up with the American Women Quarters and Special 1/5 ounce "Collector" Silver Coins with Quarter and 25 Cent Face Values...
The 5 Silver Coins add up to a hair less than an ounce...
Tell me that's not a Clue of what's to come...
They're already Minting 1/5 ounce Silver Coins...
The icing on the Cake was when President Trump mentioned that the United States will be the "Crypto Capital" of the World...
I've been writing about "Electronic Coinage" for years, but since President Trump mention the Crypto Capital of the World, I now call it "USCC" or United States Crypto Coinage...
USCC will be "Stable" and "100%" backed by United States Gold Coins...
I picked Gold to back our USCC because Gold is more stable than Silver...
If a person saves up $20 in USCC, they can request a 1/5 ounce $20 U.S. Gold Coin at their Local Bank...
Naturally, it will be much harder to Spend a $20 Gold Coin than using USCC...
After all, a $20 Gold Coin will have the Spending Power of 2,000 of today's Fiat USD's...
I doubt that you'll be able to put up to a Fast Food Window with 1/2 ounce $2 Silver Coin, let along a 1/5 ounce $20 Gold Coin...
People who like using Cash because of the Privacy Factor, will have that choice...
We'll even be able to Drop a Dime in a USCC Machine that you can use to make small change, that's "less" One Cent...
Ten Cents will get me $0.1000 in USCC "or" 1,000 Decimal Cents...
The Machine may charge a Fee for the Card and USCC...
Using an Old Card may save me a few Decimal Cents...
All I need to remember is the Pin Number I pick for my New USCC Card...
We will be adding 99 Decimal Cents to our USCC...
"Circulating" Silver Coins along with our Silver, Platinum and Palladium "Collector" Coins will be used to 100% back our "New" Paper Coinage, along with our "Existing" Common Coinage...
Paper Coinage will be denominated from One Cent to One Hundred Cents, and may every look similar to the Old Fiat USD's...
Hopefully, by the time I post this blog, you already know all this...
I think we're so close to the Reset that I may very well, be posting this after the Reset...
I know everyone will love U.S. Crypto Coinage...
How else would the United States become the Crypto Capital of the World...???