
Olivia of the Brook and Amazing Battle

rtonline - 2024-10-26 23:05:54

Olivia of the Brook is an Epic Life Monster card that has the Opportunity Ability from level 1, the Mimic Ability from level 2, and the Reflection Shield Ability at level 6.

  • Opportunity Ability : Units with the Opportunity ability may attack from any position and will target the enemy Unit with the lowest health.

  • Mimic Ability : At the beginning of round 2 and each following round, gain a random ability from the enemy team. 25% chance to gain a random ability from an attacker when hit. Dispel removes one mimicked ability in the reverse order they were gained. Debilitations, Targeting abilities, Ambush, Weapons Training, Flank, Reach, Charge, and Taunt cannot be mimicked.

  • Reflection Shield Ability : This Unit doesn't take damage from Blast, Magic Reflect, Thorns, or Return Fire.

It is a very amazing card that only costs 6 mana, especially its Mimic Ability looks very worrying for the opponents, and I would like to say that it can be very effective in battles when used with a good strategy.

Amazing Battle

It was an amazing battle that showed how effective Olivia of the Brook can be in battles and I wanted to share it with you. If you have time, I recommend you watch it. Here is the Battle Link

All Images Taken from Splinterlands

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