
Intelsat Signs Hybrid Media Deal Distributing Hearst Networks EMEA Content

문화 | 2024-09-13 17:20 PM

(K-daily 뉴스)

Intelsat, operator of one of the world’s largest integrated satellite and terrestrial networks, successfully launched a hybrid television content distribution service to deliver Hearst Networks EMEA (formerly known as A+E Networks EMEA) channels to hundreds of points across Europe thanks to its seamless satellite-terrestrial connection.

“Growing global media customers like Hearst Networks EMEA want to work with a single operator that can provide seamless connections from satellite to ground-based Internet Protocol distribution networks,” said Rhys Morgan, regional vice president, EMEA, Media and Networks. “Intelsat has visibility across the full distribution network, even when it spans multiple technologies and can enable customers to reach more end users.”

In order to reach a wide group of viewers, content providers typically use multiple distribution mediums such as direct-to-home (DTH), cable and IPTV. Hearst Networks EMEA needed to maximize the reach of its flagship channels, The HISTORY Channel HD and HISTORY2 HD across Pay TV households in Central and Eastern Europe. This included being able to deliver the content in over 18 languages, audio and subtitles, to as large an audience as possible.

Hearst Networks EMEA content is transmitted through Intelsat’s 1West satellite neighborhood. In order to reach additional endpoints across Europe outside the 1West footprint, content is sent through the terrestrial IP network. Combined, this hybrid delivery model enables A+E to reach more than 16.5 million cable, broadcast and DTH homes.

Matt Westrup, Chief Technology Officer, Hearst Networks EMEA commented: “We are delighted to partner with Intelsat to distribute our key pan-regional History and History 2 channels to serve our affiliates and audiences across Europe delivered however they need it.”

Intelsat has recently enhanced its IP distribution portfolio with the addition of IntelsatOne IP. Learn more at our website.

About Intelsat

Intelsat’s global team of professionals is focused on providing seamless and secure, satellite-based communications to government, NGO and commercial customers through the company’s next-generation worldwide network and managed services. Bridging the digital divide by operating one of the world’s largest and most advanced satellite fleet and connectivity infrastructures, Intelsat enables people and their tools to speak over oceans, see across continents and listen through the skies to communicate, cooperate and coexist. Since its founding six decades ago, the company has been synonymous with satellite-industry “firsts” in service to its customers and the planet. Leaning on a legacy of innovation and focusing on addressing a new generation of challenges Intelsat team members now have their sights on the “next firsts” in space as they disrupt the field and lead in the digital transformation of the industry.

About Hearst Networks EMEA

Hearst Networks EMEA, a subsidiary of Hearst, owns and operates premium factual entertainment brands The HISTORY® Channel, Crime + Investigation®, BLAZE®, and COSMO across the UK, Nordics, Benelux, Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Germany, Italy, and Spain. At Hearst Networks EMEA, we share stories that matter and inspire and entertain viewers with hit franchises (The Curse of Oak Island, The First 48 and History’s Greatest Mysteries), and original commissions (The Hunt for Baltic Gold, Nameless Monsters, and The Royal Kill List). For more information, please visit:

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