
The Saudi Film Commission Concludes The Second Edition of The Film Criticism Conference

문화 | 2024-11-15 10:05 AM

(K-daily 뉴스)

The second edition of the International Film Criticism Conference, organized by the Saudi Film Commission, concluded today after running from November 6 to 10, in Riyadh. The conference saw a great turnout of culture enthusiasts, industry professionals, filmmakers, and cinema audiences.

Under the title “Sound in Cinema,” the conference explored various facets of cinema, with a focus on the impact of sound on the film experience and its influence on the film industry. The topic covered included original soundtracks, sound effects, and the sounds of nature. More than 40 speakers from 24 countries, including critics, filmmakers, and industry experts, expressed their great interest in the event, given the crucial role sound plays in cinema and its significance in advancing the sector and enriching contemporary film experiences.

The conference featured six workshops led by industry experts, as well as four specialized workshops for children aimed at enhancing their critical thinking and film viewing skills. Additionally, the program included 13 panel discussions and 8 screenings of distinctive films from around the world, followed by critical discussions.

This conference is part of the Saudi Film Commission’s strategy to enhance the film industry, given its position as a manifestation of culture and a catalyst for cultural engagement. The conference also highlights the Commission’s commitment to enhance the role of cinema as a tool for cultural, social, and economic development. The Commission aspires to achieve its objectives by supporting talented professionals and elevating the national cinematic experiences. Additionally, Film criticism plays a critical role in the Commission's efforts, as it is key to shaping cinematic culture for audiences and strengthening the professional capabilities of filmmakers.

The Film Criticism conference was the culmination of this year's series of film criticism forums, which included two earlier events in Hail on September 27th, and in Al-Ahsa on October 25th. The International Film Criticism Conference in Riyadh served as the final event for this year’s series, attracting attendees from across the Kingdom and around the world.

Source: AETOSWire

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