
Access Advance Announces Video Distribution Patent Pool in Response to Market Demand

2025-01-17 14:50 PM

(K-daily 뉴스)

Responding to growing market demand for an industry solution for codec licensing in the video distribution market, Access Advance LLC (“Advance”) is pleased to announce the launch of its Video Distribution Patent (“VDP”) Pool.

The VDP Pool will build upon the success of Advance’s existing HEVC and VVC Advance Patent Pools, which are supported by a substantial majority of video codec implementers and patent owners. It will provide a single one-stop-shop license, covering internet streaming with all four of the most recently developed video codecs (i.e., HEVC, VVC, AV1, and VP9) available today, with fixed tiered pricing scaled to the size of the video distributor’s business. This structure provides simplicity and predictability to internet video distributors, allowing them to choose which codec(s) to use based on technical and business merits rather than royalty costs or the need to negotiate multiple licenses.

According to Peter Moller, CEO of Advance, “In recent years, the industry has increasingly sought to license video codec patents directly to content streaming providers, which have benefitted tremendously from their use of patented, efficient video codecs. Advance has been approached by market participants, from both internet video distributors and patent owners, who believe we are uniquely positioned to achieve a rapid aggregation of patents to clear substantial IP risk while establishing a framework for fair and reasonable rates.”

“Our patent pool approach not only balances the interests of both internet video distributors and patent owners but also takes into account the many different business models for internet video streaming. We expect our pool will quickly gain market support and help prevent the alternative of significant market disruption: litigation (where injunctive relief and large damages may be sought), and slower or stalled market adoption and innovation in video codecs due to fear and uncertainty over royalty rates.”

“With regards to royalty rates, we have met with many internet video distributors and patent owners over the past year to review and seek input on the program. Nevertheless, to prevent any confusion, we plan to dedicate the next two to three months to further engage with interested market players before announcing the rate structure to the public.”

The VDP Pool also offers substantial incentives for internet video distributors and patent owners that join the program on or prior to June 30, 2025. We encourage every market participant to learn more about the program, including available incentives and discounts, by emailing us at

About Access Advance:

Access Advance LLC is an independent licensing administrator company formed to lead the development, administration, and management of patent pools for licensing essential patents of the most important standards-based video codec technologies. Access Advance provides a transparent and efficient licensing mechanism for both patent owners and patent implementers.

Access Advance currently manages and administers the HEVC Advance Patent Pool for licensing over 25,500 patents essential to H.265/HEVC technology, and the separate and independent VVC Advance Patent Pool for licensing essential patents to VVC/H.266 technology. The HEVC Advance Patent Pool and the VVC Advance Patent Pool are elements of the Access Advance Video Codec Platform Initiative that seamlessly incorporates HEVC and VVC technologies into a single discounted royalty rate structure through the Multi-Codec Bridging Agreement for eligible Licensees whose products include both HEVC and VVC codecs. This innovation responds to the market’s desire for an even more efficient next-generation pool licensing structure. For more information, please visit

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