
Brightcove Earns Top ISO Security Certification, Bolstering Commitment to Data Security for Its Customers

2025-01-17 11:50 AM

(K-daily 뉴스)

Brightcove (NASDAQ: BCOV), the world’s most trusted streaming technology company, today announced it has earned the ISO/IEC 27001 certification. This internationally recognized standard confirms Brightcove’s dedication to maintaining the highest level of information security management for the company and its global customers across various sectors, including media, enterprise, tech, retail, financial services, and hospitality.

The ISO/IEC 27001 certification further advances Brightcove’s strict approach to data security. Earning the certification involves meeting rigorous standards that dictate how organizations should manage and secure information assets.

“Achieving the ISO/IEC 27001 certification is a testament to our unwavering commitment to security at every level of our operations to protect Brightcove and its customers,” said Karen Holmes, Head of Business Security at Brightcove. “The work our teams put in daily to keep our customers safe reflects Brightcove’s leadership in setting the standard not just for video technology companies, but all industries. The ISO certification underscores our proactive approach to safeguard our company and customers.”

The ISO/IEC 27001 certification reinforces Brightcove’s security and sets it apart in the video streaming and engagement technology sector. Unlike its competitors, Brightcove is one of the select few to achieve this standard, highlighting its unique position as a market leader committed to the highest levels of data protection. The certification process required Brightcove to undergo an exhaustive evaluation of its information security practices, including the assessment of risk management procedures and the effectiveness of implemented security policies.

For more information, visit

About Brightcove Inc.

Brightcove creates the world’s most reliable, scalable, and secure streaming technology solutions to build a greater connection between companies and their audiences, no matter where they are or on which devices they consume content. In more than 60 countries, Brightcove’s intelligent video platform enables businesses to sell to customers more effectively, media leaders to stream and monetize content more reliably, and every organization to communicate with team members more powerfully. With two Technology and Engineering Emmy® Awards for innovation, uptime that consistently leads the industry, and unmatched scalability, we continuously push the boundaries of what video can do. Follow Brightcove on LinkedIn, X, Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and YouTube. Visit

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