Bitcoin below 80k USD
The current market is in very bad situation and it has been dropping continuously where as the Bitcoin price is no below 80000 US dollars. Currently the price is 78000 to be precise and Steel the down trend is visible in the market which is a matter of concerned for a lot of people.
People often say that will market is down then you need to buy the dip but the question is in this kind of the situation when everything is dropping and dropping then people end up investing all the money they had. This is the same time when the market continued to drop and this is why a lot of people are left with no money with they can invest in the market. It is obvious that market will recover but the question is when?
Uncertainty is the bigger problem in this market and if we cannot over comment then it can be one of the situation where weak investors will not be able to survive. We called diamond hands for those who stay in this situation also in this market and the kind of situation we are going to right now is really difficult for a lot of people to manage and survive in this market.
Obviously things will not be the same for a very long time I believe however the current situation it surely not a good situation for not of us where the Bitcoin has dropped below 80k USD. The alt coins are literally bleeding in the market and a big value drop must have been observed at this time.
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